Whether natural or man-made, no region is immune from the potential for disaster. A power outage, earthquake, hurricane, winter storm, or terrorist attack are just a few examples of emergencies that could necessitate having an emergency food and water supply on hand. Our 2-week Emergency Food Supply will provide one person with 2,000+ calories a day to last 14 days. These meals are full of the vitamins, protein, and calories needed to excel through the chaos. We focus on calories, not the serving size. Calories are what make the difference in your body's performance: optimal pace or sluggish. In an emergency or during high-endurance activities, you need the energy to make it through. With 114 servings of food, you won't have to worry about going hungry. Foods last up to 25 years in optimal storage conditions. Comes in a rugged, water-resistant bucket measuring 9.75" x 11.75" x 13.75".
Orange Energy Drink Mix: 8 Servings
Creamy Chicken Flavored Rice: 12 servings Mac & Cheese: 8 servings Long Grain White Rice: 10 servings Buttermilk Pancakes: 20 servings* | Southwest Rice: 16 servings
Maple Grove Oatmeal: 24 servings Homestyle Potato Soup: 4 servings Mushroom Rice Pilaf: 8 servings Creamy Alfredo Pasta: 4 servings |